Asian Hornet



Asian Hornet

in the UK

July 2024

The NBU has now drawn its spring trapping work to a close.  In the July Newsletter is an update on the key findings and latest results of the ongoing genetic analysis.  It includes the second occurrence where we have evidence of a UK nest reaching maturity and successfully overwintering.


June 2024 

The West Sussex BKA Asian hornet action team is working on solutions to respond to the possible incursion into West Sussex this summer.  See the June Newsletter.

On 10th May, a further hornet was found near Four Oaks, East Sussex, in traps that the NBU has been monitoring in the area.  This makes a total of five queens caught in this area.
Two further hornets have been captured and killed in Kent.  On 15th May, a hornet was found in a monitoring trap set by a beekeeper in Denton.  On 16th May, a hornet was found by a member of the public in Etchinghill.
The specimens have been collected and sent to the lab for official confirmation and analysis.
On 21st May, the NBU responded to a report of an Asian hornet in Canterbury, Kent.  A primary nest was found at the location which was removed and has been sent to the lab for official confirmation and analysis. The NBU will continue to monitor the area for any hornet activity.


May 2024

At the beginning of April, the NBU began spring trapping in areas identified as high risk. Traps have been set at locations across Kent, East Sussex, Devon and North Yorkshire tomonitor for signs of Asian hornet activity.  On the 13th of April, a single hornet was caughtin one of these traps near Four Oaks, Kent approx. 3km from the nest found in 2023. The specimen was sent to the lab at Fera Science Ltd for official confirmation and analysisand the NBU will continue to monitor the area.  

The NBU has also received 3 further credible reports of lone Asian hornets last month.The first was a hornet on a ferry midway between Calais, France and Dover on 8th April.The second was a report on 11th April of a hornet in Folkestone, Kent by a homeowner. Lastly, on 13th April a hornet was sighted on a ferry between St Malo, France and Portsmouth –close to the St Malo port.  The hornets reported on the 11th and 13th were both reportedlykilled but the specimens were not captured for official confirmation.  

April 2024

The first Asian hornet of the year has been found in Ash in Kent.  On the 11th March the NBU received confirmation of an Asian hornet found in a potting shed in Ash, Kent.  The finding was around 5 miles from a nest found and destroyed in 2023 near Canterbury.  The details for the early season monitoring work are currently being finalised by the NBU so additional surveillance close to the finding site will be included in these plans. There was also a single unconfirmed sighting in Preston, Lincolnshire, and a dead Asian hornet in Romford, East London.March 2024Following the Asian hornet conference in February the BBKA Asian hornet team has published the new Asian yellow-legged hornet nest identification poster from the NNSS.

AH Nest ID AH Nest ID2

Some useful links for future reading:




Youtube link to the Asian hornet H Conference, from Saturday 17th February:

February 2024

On Thursday 24th January the National Bee Unit notified the BBKA that they had received a credible sighting of a lone Asian hornet in Hastings, East Sussex. It is not expected to find Asian hornets flying until later in the year, nevertheless local volunteer Asian hornet teams will be asked to be alert and monitor for Asian hornets in the area. 

January 2024

In 2023 there have been 72 Asian hornet nests found in 56 locations across 10 counties.  It has been difficult to keep up with the details with most days bringing an increase in the number of sightings.  Currently, however, West Sussex is apparently free from the hornet.

A number of members recently joined Hampshire Beekeepers at their Asian hornet conference near Winchester.  It was a day of discussion and reflection on the past season and will no doubt influence our own strategy for dealing with the Asian hornet in 2024.  Graphs below courtesy of the BBKA—a chilling reminder of what may lie ahead! 

 Picture1  Picture2  Picture3























Defra sightings map October 2023Defra sightings map Oct23

Further Information & Reporting Structure

Further information regarding the Asian hornet can be found on Defra's Asian Hornet sightings page and on the BeeBase Asian hornet page. Please direct all media enquiries to the Defra Press Office: 0330 0416560.

Use the ‘Asian hornet Watch’ app for Android and Iphone to report sightings.  Members are asked to remain vigilant for this predator in our region.  It may be seen hawking at the entrance to hives.  Traps may be set up in the apiary and this video shows how to make your own.For a full description of the Asian honet and its comparison to our  native hornet view this document: 

Any sightings should be reported to the non-native species team at: [email protected] and an Asian Hornet Watch app is available to download to your phone.  There is also a map on the BBKA website with your nearest Asian hornet team member - 

 APHA Asian H